12 Golden Rules of Facebook Etiquette
Modern technology exposes modern women and gentlemen to etiquette problems that Emily Post could never have predicted. Technology offers an unmannered minefield because etiquette has not kept pace with its growth, much as World War I was exceptionally brutal because the artillery had progressed quicker than the creation of new military strategies. Facebook is one conflict where a supply of etiquette must be sent to the front. Transitioning from face-to-face communication to communicating as disembodied versions of ourselves has been a bumpy journey. But, whether you’re meeting in person or communicating over the internet, the standards of politeness still apply. The following polite reminders may help to bring Facebook etiquette back into the 21st century.
12 of the best rules of Facebook etiquette are here
*Facebook Etiquette’s 12 Golden Rules RULE: DO NOT POST ONE COMPROMISED PHOTO OF YOURSELF. If a bad picture of you does appear, ask the poster to remove it. Untag yourself, at the very least. RULE 02: DO NOT FRIEND SOMEONE UNTIL YOU’VE MET. In this day and age, when privacy is always a worry, it is best to limit your friend list to those you genuinely know. On the other hand, don’t be scared to ignore random strangers that approach you. TMI: 03 ABLAH BLAH RULE YOU SHOULD CENSOR YOURSELF. Post status updates on your life or the world that people may genuinely be interested in. Also, don’t bring up last weekend’s wild drunken night. Two out of every five businesses use social media to assess prospective recruits. NOPE 43% of those companies discovered reasons NOT to hire. RULE: DO NOT ADDRESS 04 REAL ISSUES WITH OTHERS VAGUELY. Isn’t it impolite when someone takes your clothing without asking? These kinds of modifications are detrimental to your internet reputation. Miscommunications should be resolved the old-fashioned way: by talking. RULE KEEP SELFIES TO A MINIMUM OF 05. Maintain your integrity. Too many selfies in a row expose your vanity. RULE: USE DISCRETION WHEN 06 POSTING ON OTHERS’ WALLS. Because many walls are public locations, avoid posting anything too personal. RULE BE If you remain true to your voice and personality, people are more likely to enjoy and connect with your updates. 07 CONSISTENT. On Thursdays and Fridays, when they’d prefer not be working, 18% of your Facebook friends are more inclined to participate with your chat. l! TWTF RULE: UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, DO NOT BREAK UP WITH A PERSON THROUGH FACEBOOK. 08 If you can’t look someone in the eyes and tell them it’s over, you weren’t mature enough to be in a relationship in the first place. The majority of men and 78.5% of women who use Facebook feel you should not become a Facebook Official until your relationship is exclusive in real life, while 63.5% of men say you should. REPLY TO COMMENTS AND MESSAGES IN A TIMELY FASHION. 09 Ignoring people is impolite. Respond thoughtfully within twenty-four hours. DO NOT POST EXTREMELY COUPLE-Y PHOTOS. 10 We get it, you guys are cute. But we don’t need to see another picture of you dining together, walking the dog together, or, worst of all, snuggling in bed. ON THE 11 APPLICATION INVITES, RULE TAKE IT EASY. Don’t bombard your pals with invitations to time-wasting Facebook apps just so you may purchase additional cows for your farm. One-quarter of Facebook users actively participate in game activity on the network. APPLY THE GOLDEN RULE: APPLY THE SAME COURTESY, RESPECT, AND DECORUM AS IN REAL LIFE. 12 When in doubt, keep in mind that real-world politeness principles should apply to our online communities as well. You’ll be OK if you practice this. SOURCES OF DATA Brett McKay of Art of Manliness contributed the text. http://mashable.com/2013/07/29/digital-dating-survey/ http://thehiringsite. careerbuilder.com/2013/07/01/two-in-five-employers-use-social-media-to-screen-candidates/ http://vincos.it/social-network-world-map/ http://www.fastcompany.com/3018656/work-smart/a-scientific-guide-to-maximizing-your-impact-on-twitter-facebook-and-other-digital-channels http://www. theverge. com/2013/3/26/4149838/facebook-says-over-250-million-people-play-games-every-month (intel) BLAH.